Sunday, July 26, 2009

Totto Chan

Totto Chan is a girl which got expelled from her school. She looked for a school and got into Tomoe Gakuen School.The headmaster of the school, Mr Kobayashi, love kids. Mr Kobayashi teaches the students in a very different way from other schools. he teaches stuffs that other schools did not teach. Totto Chan love that school, but her life changed when Tomoe Gakuen School got bombed during the war.

It was when the headmaster saw Totto Chan making a mess in the bathroom intrugued me. I tought Mr Kobayashi was going to scold her for the mess that Totto Chan had made. Instead, he asked Totto chan to clean up all the mess after she found her wallet. He left the bathroom after asking Totto Chan to clean up. This shows that he is a caring and understandable headmaster. Usually headmaster will scold students is any part of the school is in a mess.

I would honestly recommend this book to others as it is a very famous story and very interesting to read.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Xinjiang Riot

On Thursday, 9th July 2009, a riot broke out between the Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese. Between 600-800 people died due to the violencein the chinese city of Urumqi. The riot broke out because the muslims complained that they felt discriminated under the chinese rule. One of the causes are also because of misunderstandings. I feel that it is not safe to stay in Xinjiang as you can see 600 - 800 people died. We do not know who could be killed during riots like this. To stop the riot, 1 representative from each party should meet up and sign a treaty so that they would not be rioting again and make peace. If this situation were to occur in Singapore, it would be best for me not to interfere as Singapore is a multi-ethnic country which consist races of Malay, Chinese, Tamil and Euraseans. But if ones strongly believe on its own race, they would fight for its rights for their race.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sri Lanka Facts and Plot

1)Sri Lanka passed the Ceylon Citizenship Act of 1948.
- Many Tamils became stateless.
- Grant citizenship only to those born in Sri Lanka or forefathers who were born in Sri Lanka
- Tamils do not have the rights to have voting, education jobs etc.
- Altough they do not have the rights, the Tamils still contribute to the economy working as Tea planters.
2)Resettlement Policy 1950
- Sinhalese peasants were transferred from densely populated south western and central areas to Tamil areas
- Policy for the landless Sinalese peasants to live and cultivate padi
- Tamils were not happy as the Sinhalese peasants came to live among them
- Buddist monks and the Sri Lankan Army which are mostly Sinhalese came to occupy their lands.
3)Official language Act 1956
- The Sinhala government decalred that Sinhala will be the offical language.
- Tamils given 3 years to learn Sinhala
- Tamils found it hard to find jobs as they do not have the rights and majority cannot speak Sinhala
4)New university Admission Citeria 1972
- Benefited the English-Educated Tamils and they scored well in the examinations.
- The Tamils and Sihalese students to enter the same course ( medical and engineering) were almost the same although the tamils only make up 18% of the populations.
- A new policy was set-up that the Tamil students had to score higher marks than the Sinhalese students to enter the same course.
- There are places in the university reserved for Sinhalese mainly.

Characters : Muthusami, a Tamil. can speak a little bit of Sinhala as he is schooling at 'Sinhala Government School '. Parents. Mr and Mrs Bala. Muthusami's Friends ( not many Sinhalese friends ).

- Muthusami a boy schooling in 'Sinhala Government School'.
- Majority of his friends is Tamil.
- know how to speak a little bit of Sinhala language.
- Many of Sinhalese hated him as he scored quite well in his test.

- Muthusami did not get into the university altough he scored well in his exams and test.
- Tired of following the rules.
- Muthusami decided to join the Tamil Tigers.
- He trained very hard in the camp. Eveready to defend their rights.

- War broke out in Muthusami's village.
- Muthusami went to his hometown.
- Defend the villagers.

- Family died after the war.
- Muthusami went back to camp.
- Tamil Tiger survivors got ambushed by the Sinhala army.
- Survivors including Muthusami was killed during the ambush attack.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

'Should Singlish be the official language in Singapore?'

I totally disagree on the fact that singlish should be the official language in Singapore. Although many Singaporeans are speaking singlish, it still should not be the official language in Singapore.

Schools and the Ministry of Education(MOE) have put up 'Speak Good English' campaign to promote speaking english and not singlish to members of the public. English is practiced in school, work or anywhere u can imagine Singapore every single day. Communicating would be a problem if singlish is used. Imagine if a foreigner comes to Singapore and asked us to show them of one place and we answered them with singlish, they will be puzzled and not understanding us.

Posters on examples in speaking the correct way are put up in various schools. One example of the poster is " Give back my pen la!" and there will be a cross beside this wrong sentence. "Excuse me, can you please give the pen back to me?" and a tick will be the partner of this sentence. Students in schools and members of the public will see this posters and try to practice it the right way.

Therefore, lets speak good english and not singlish to communicate better with people around us.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Are Singaporeans gracious and socially responsible? Discuss."

In my opinion, Singaporeans are gracious and responsible. Recently about the H1N1 disease, some Singaporeans have been wearing mask not just in clinic or hospitals, they even wear them in public. Thermometers are to be brought to school everyday. Promoting and acting good hygiene are also one of the responsibilities that Singapore are doing now. With hygiene, there are higher chances that we would not get H1N1.

Other than H1N1 diseases, anti-terrorism are one of the main precautions. There are banners and advertisements reminding people not to leave our belongings unattended or please call the police if suspected any suspicious article, this shows that Singaporeans are responsible in what they do to keep Singapore a safe country.

On top of that, cleanliness in Singapore is also one of the many priorities that Singapore is maintaining. Clean and Green campaigns and Reduce, Reuse and Recycle campaign are put up in public and even schools. Keeping Singapore clean and green is what we aim for. For example, when a person litters and got caught, that person will be fined or will be doing Corrective Work Order (COW). The government is doing this so that litterbugs will learn their lessons on not to litter in public. Therefore, these 3 topics that I have covered show how Singaporeans are gracious and responsible.