Sunday, July 26, 2009

Totto Chan

Totto Chan is a girl which got expelled from her school. She looked for a school and got into Tomoe Gakuen School.The headmaster of the school, Mr Kobayashi, love kids. Mr Kobayashi teaches the students in a very different way from other schools. he teaches stuffs that other schools did not teach. Totto Chan love that school, but her life changed when Tomoe Gakuen School got bombed during the war.

It was when the headmaster saw Totto Chan making a mess in the bathroom intrugued me. I tought Mr Kobayashi was going to scold her for the mess that Totto Chan had made. Instead, he asked Totto chan to clean up all the mess after she found her wallet. He left the bathroom after asking Totto Chan to clean up. This shows that he is a caring and understandable headmaster. Usually headmaster will scold students is any part of the school is in a mess.

I would honestly recommend this book to others as it is a very famous story and very interesting to read.

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