Monday, July 6, 2009

Are Singaporeans gracious and socially responsible? Discuss."

In my opinion, Singaporeans are gracious and responsible. Recently about the H1N1 disease, some Singaporeans have been wearing mask not just in clinic or hospitals, they even wear them in public. Thermometers are to be brought to school everyday. Promoting and acting good hygiene are also one of the responsibilities that Singapore are doing now. With hygiene, there are higher chances that we would not get H1N1.

Other than H1N1 diseases, anti-terrorism are one of the main precautions. There are banners and advertisements reminding people not to leave our belongings unattended or please call the police if suspected any suspicious article, this shows that Singaporeans are responsible in what they do to keep Singapore a safe country.

On top of that, cleanliness in Singapore is also one of the many priorities that Singapore is maintaining. Clean and Green campaigns and Reduce, Reuse and Recycle campaign are put up in public and even schools. Keeping Singapore clean and green is what we aim for. For example, when a person litters and got caught, that person will be fined or will be doing Corrective Work Order (COW). The government is doing this so that litterbugs will learn their lessons on not to litter in public. Therefore, these 3 topics that I have covered show how Singaporeans are gracious and responsible.

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